About the Haddam Historical Society
The Haddam Historical Society is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization founded in 1955. Our mission is “to preserve, collect, interpret and promote the history and heritage of Haddam for present and future generations.”
The Society operates the Thankful Arnold House Museum and the Wilhelmina Ann Arnold Barnhart Memorial Garden in the scenic lower Connecticut River Valley village of Haddam, Connecticut. Visitors hear the story of the Widow Arnold and that of her daughter and granddaughter. Representative of their time, these three generations of women were head of the household in the home that was built between 1794 and 1810. The house is open year-round. The museum is a proud member of the Connecticut Women’s Heritage Trail.
Educational Programs
The Society also offers a variety of educational and entertaining programs throughout the year including local history lectures, walking tours, exhibits and hands-on workshops in addition to hosting the Connecticut Spring Antiques Show, one of the nation’s premiere pre-1840 Americana venues. Our school programs make history come alive by inviting students to experience life in a 19th-century home and participate in activities of the community for that period. The Society maintains the house furnishings as well as an extensive collection of items and archives relating to the history of Haddam, Higganum and Haddam Neck. The archives are available to researchers and scholars by appointment.